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- About The Brand -

Karma , a multi product online and offline store.
We started in 2003, and since our first day we’ve brought the best selection of products and merchandise to our customers. Our name has become synonymous with quality throughout the entire Global markets .
We do our best to ensure a permanent variety of fantastic items along with unique limited edition and seasonal items to fit any budget.
- Meet The Team -
Founder & CEO

Yogacharya Nayeem Khan is an Indian yoga guru, therapeutic healer and meditation expert from Jodhpur, India. He has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation in India and around the world for more than two decades . He has conducted multiple yoga workshops in Switzerland, Germany, France, Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia and other Arab countries.
Naud Khan, the co-founder of Karma is following the legendary work from his father and family . He is a Yogi and follows the path of doing social activitis and spreading yoga and herbal lifestyle for good health around the globe, He has travelled and worked in many countries across Europe .

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